Fiche cheval one for all

R6C8 du

plathandicap 55107happy valley1200M217043lido handicap12 partantsdépart à 14:50
18super joy n funH43p5p4p2p1pchau c.l./101:10
21reward smileH46p4p5p0p5pbowman h./1encolure
36lucky archangelH70p1p0p9p8ppoon m.f./11 l 1/2
49righteous arionH54p5p1p2p5pavdulla b./13/4 l
511king eccellenteH68p3p0p0p2pbentley h./1encolure
64golden empireH60p6p2p9p7pho c.y./1encolure
75never too soonH78p2p9p2p0pde melo k./1encolure
82sugar sugarH65p6p6p4p3pwong e.c.w./13/4 l
910ka ying cheerH54p2p2p3p2ppurton z./11 l
103happy fat catH67p1p7p9p1phamelin a./12 l 1/2
1112one for allH61p4p7p0p0phewitson l./12 l
127mega bonusH70p1p0p5p5pferraris l./13 l 1/2

R6C4 du

plathandicap 3299happy valley1200M136527ng tung river handicap - section 212 partantsdépart à 12:10
13one for allH64p7p0p0pferraris l./101:09
22lean masterH41p2p3p5p1pwong e.c.w./13/4 l
36sight heroH79p5p0p9pthompson b./1cte tete
47jolly companionH54p0p7p0p7pteetan k./11 l 1/4
51denfieldH55p7p4p4p0pbowman h./11 l 1/2
611tattenhamH57p3p8p4p5pbadel a./1cte tete
74run run coolH70p8p3p6p0pavdulla b./11 l
812dan attackH66p0p4p3p3phamelin a./1tete
98fairy horseH44p5p8p0p0patzeni a./11 l
1010flying phantomH40p7p0p9p8ppurton z./12 l
115almighty kickH4Inéditho c.y./13 l 1/2
129bravo warriorH40p0p8p0p0pyeung m.l./12 l 1/2

R6C3 du

plathandicap 4369happy valley1200M136527mount nicholson handicap - section 112 partantsdépart à 11:40
14packing powerH4Inéditpurton z./101:10
210circuit sevenH76p9p8p4p1ppoon m.f./11 l 1/2
38speedy smartieH50p3p7p5p2pbentley h./11 l 3/4
41one for allH67p0p0p(23)5pferraris l./11/2 l
57dracoH46p8pbowman h./1cte tete
611dan attackH60p4p3p3p1phamelin a./1encolure
712modest gentlemanH51p2p7p7p0pbadel a./1tete
83double bingoH40p8p2pavdulla b./13/4 l
95sight heroH75p0p9p(23)7phewitson l./1cte tete
109gimme fiveH43p0p0p5p5pteetan k./13 l 1/2
116divine shiningH6(23)9p0p9p8pyeung m.l./11 l 1/2
122ace powerH41p7p9patzeni a./11 l 1/2

R6C6 du

plathandicap 5440happy valley1000M136527rhine handicap12 partantsdépart à 13:10
18caminoH5(23)0p6p0p0pho c.y./100:57
23ma cometH57p0p9p8p6pavdulla b./11/2 l
39happy horseH61p5p(23)2p1pchadwick m./13/4 l
42fortune warriorH52p0p7p6ppurton z./1cte tete
55sergeant pepperH71p8p2p0p6pbowman h./11 l
67circuit sevenH79p8p4p1p5ppoon m.f./1nez
71one for allH60p0p(23)5p2phewitson l./1cte tete
86sight happyH4Inéditteetan k./1nez
911joy in joyH6(23)0p0p9p8patzeni a./13/4 l
1012philosH55p9p0p9p0pchung y.l./11/2 l
114super commanderH85p0p0p8p1pwong e.c.w./15 l 1/2
1210gorgeous vitalityH66p7p9p5phamelin a./1loin

R2C8 du

plathandicap 9576happy valley1200M217043kwai chung handicap section 210 partantsdépart à 14:15
14sugar sugarH61p3p8p(23)6pchan k.h./101:10
29captain winH70p(23)0p4p0pteetan k./11/2 l
33a americ te specsoH61p4p3p(23)7phamelin a./11 l 1/2
48denfieldH54p0p(23)8p7ppurton z./11/2 l
55viva graciousnessH56p0pchung y.l./1tete
67chain of goldH53p7pchadwick m./11/4 l
72joyful hunterH54p4p(23)1p0patzeni a./11 l 1/2
81easonH60p9p(23)9p0pbowman h./11/2 l
96ace oneH79p(23)8p0p7pbentley h./13 l 1/2
1010one for allH60p(23)5p2p5pthompson b./11 l

R2C7 du

plathandicap 11003happy valley1200M217043lockhart handicap - section 112 partantsdépart à 13:45
110nicconi countyH64p5p(23)9p6pteetan k./101:10
22harmony n blessedH88p6p(23)4p4pleung k.c./1cte tete
311jumbo fortuneH67p0p9p(23)8phamelin a./13/4 l
49act of faithH66p(23)6p1p2patzeni a./11 l 1/4
58excellent peersH76p(23)4p0p5pchadwick m./1cte tete
63grateful heartH80p(23)9p2p2pbentley h./11 l 1/2
77never too soonH74p(23)0p1p1pde melo k./1cte tete
84lightning boltH65p(23)9p3p7pbadel a./13/4 l
96o'linerH64p(23)2p4p0pbowman h./13 l 1/2
1012one for allH6(23)5p2p5p1phewitson l./1cte tete
115celestial coloursH52p(23)4p5ppurton z./11 l 1/4
121superb capitalistH53p(23)9p6p0pchung y.l./11 l 1/2

R6C8 du

plathandicap 18211happy valley1200M217527mui wo handicap11 partantsdépart à 14:55
Non-partants : 7
13xponentialH83p5p1p2p2pferraris l./1
28sugar sugarH59p0p2p5p1pchan k.h./1cte tete
35armour eagleH62p5p4p6p9pbentley h./11 l 1/4
44excellent peersH66p3p5p5p5pchadwick m./1encolure
510one for allH52p5p1p1p1phewitson l./11/2 l
62superb capitalistH40p1p1p4p0pchung y.l./13/4 l
79lucky goldH64p4p1p4p1ppoon m.f./1encolure
86brilliant wayH50p0p0p0pchau c.l./12 l
91reward smileH31p2p2p2p1pcurrie l./11 l
7allgreektomeH55p2p8p2p1ppurton z./1
1011packing boleH40p1pleung k.c./12 l

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